Baldridge Alternative E125

One of top ORIgen sales sires for the past three years, progeny from the first three calf...
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Baldridge Alternative E125

Baldridge Alternative E125


Baldridge Alternative E125


One of top ORIgen sales sires for the past three years, progeny from the first three calf crops by Alternative placed him among the top 20 sires for progeny registered in 2021 and they have headlined Angus sales across the nation in 2020 and 2021 with a son selling two-thirds interest for $72,000 to top the Hawaii Fun in the Sun sale that now has seen use across the continent.

In the 2021 Vintage Female Sale, eight daughters of Alternative commanded an average of $22,969 headlined by the $120,000 top-selling fall yearling and her full sister was the $135,000 top-selling full interest heifer calf of the 2020 Vintage Genetic Gold Sale with another heifer calf selling for $60,000 at Four Sons Angus in 2020 while bred daughters sold half interest for $155,000 in the 2020 Crazy K Sale and half interest for $65,000 in the 2020 Big Event at Express with three bred heifers there in 2021 selling calf interest for $100,000, half interest for $40,000 for an $80,000 valuation and a third for $60,000.

The first 18 sons of Alternative sold for an average of $11,097 in the 2019 Stevenson Fall Sale as spring bull calves and included in the sire group were the $62,500 and $37,500 top and second high selling bulls chosen by Grimmius Cattle Co. for their very successful “beef on dairy” program in California.

Alternative was the top-selling bull of his calf crop at Baldridge Brothers when two-thirds interest of him sold for $120,000 in 2018, after his maternal brother Baldridge Command C036 sold two-thirds interest for $155,000 to ABS as their dam’s first natural calf and a flush sister to Alternative topped the 2020 Reverse Rocking R sale at $100,000.

The now-deceased dam of Alternative sold half interest for $110,000 to Express and Spruce Mountain in 2021 and as one of the top donor cows at Baldridge Brothers and among the most proven and productive daughters of the legendary ORIgen foundation female sire Hoover Dam and ten sons of her sold for an average of $42,350 in the record-setting 2021 Baldridge sale where her other nine sons excluding the $250,000 Baldridge Versatile sold for an average of $19,278 to set the standard of the event.

Other maternal brothers to Alternative include the $155,000 lead bull of the 2016 Baldridge sale that was his dam’s first natural calf and her 137 progeny genomic tested two natural progeny with an average weaning ratio of 105 and 48 progeny scanned with an average %IMF ratio of 106.

Among ORIgen Sires as of 12-22-23, Number 6 for Calving Ease Maternal score EPD, Number 7 for Calving Ease Direct score EPD and reducing Mature Height EPD, Number 9 for Pulmonary Arterial Pressure score EPD, elite for $Angus x Holstein crossbreeding value index, superior for $Beef value index, $Grid value index, Marbling score EPD, $Angus x Jersey crossbreeding value index and Hair Shedding score EPD and better than breed avg for Birth Weight EPD, Docility score EPD and percent Heifer Pregnancy EPD.


Canadian Angus Animal Registry


Payweight 34K
From $10.00
From $10.00
Pleasant Dawn Mobile 103F
BWB 009H x Coleman Rock 7200